Jérôme Waldispühl
Jérôme Waldispühl takes games very seriously.
An assistant professor in the School of Computer Science at Montreal’s McGill University and a member of the McGill Centre for Bioinformatics, Jérôme and his colleague, Mathieu Blanchette, are the creators of Phylo, a pattern-matching genome alignment online game that will give researchers deeper insight into genetic codes and could help identify the origins of genetic disease.
He received his PhD in computer science from École Polytechnique (France) and was an instructor in applied mathematics at MIT, where he is a research affiliate at the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.
By developing models and algorithms to decipher the relationship between bio-molecular sequences (RNAs and proteins), structures and interactions, Jérôme’s research seeks to address questions in computational structural biology as a means to understand the genetic code and biological systems.