Erik Proulx
Erik Proulx has been making short films his whole career.
A 15-year veteran of the advertising industry, he created commercials for brands like Volvo, Fidelity Investments, General Motors, and Perdue Chicken until – two days after being offered a raise and a promotion – his agency laid him off without ceremony. So he did what came naturally: he made a film.
Lemonade is a film about personal and professional reinvention, and the power of moving on.
As both creator and one of the subjects of Lemonade, Erik’s personal experiences and the collective experience of the hundreds of people he interviewed for Lemonade have given him front-line exposure to a profound shift in attitude around work and careers.
An insightful speaker, author and advocate, Erik has appeared on CBS Evening News with Katie Couric, NPR’s On Point with Tom Ashbrook, ABC News with Tory Johnson and several other national print and broadcast media to discuss his expertise in careers and re-employment. He has been a contributing writer to Advertising Age, Adweek, and Creativity Magazine, and his Dads Without Dads column is a regular feature in The Good Men Project Magazine, and he is the writer of the popular blog Please Feed The Animals.
Erik’s next film Lemonade: Detroit – about a city trying to redefine and reinvent itself after the collapse of the auto industry – is currently in production.