Matthew Diffee
With over two hundred cartoons published in the The New Yorker since 1999, Matthew Diffee was recently singled out by The New York Times as one of the most prolific of a new generation of cartoonists.
Matthew lives in New York City, but originally hails from Texas, which may help explain his most recent endeavor; producing and hosting the monthly off-Broadway series, The Steam Powered Hour, which combines rural American music with smart, urban comedy and has been described as Hee Haw for Hipsters. He also writes and illustrates a regular column in Texas Monthly Magazine and has contributed work and acted as cartoon editor for Time magazine. Diffee is also the editor of volume one and volume two of The Rejection Collection: Cartoons You Never Saw and Never Will See in The New Yorker, published by Simon & Schuster. Last year, he branched out and illustrated a collector’s edition of Stephen King’s novel Under the Dome.