Suzanne Hunt
Suzanne Hunt is all about the energy transition.
The Founder of Washington, DC-based Hunt Green LLC, she provides strategic advising on transportation, energy, agriculture and the environment, and serves as Senior Advisor to the Carbon War Room where she leads their work on aviation and renewable fuels. Suzanne has designed an alternative aviation fuels competition for XPRIZE, and her former clients include private equity firms, UN bodies, government agencies, clean tech start-ups, Fortune 500 companies, NGOs and other innovators.
Suzanne currently sits on the advisory boards of Business for the Planet, the Latin American Council on Renewable Energy, and the Regional Biofuels Technical & Knowledge Center (CHIBAS) in Haiti. She’s also a member of Air New Zealand’s Sustainability Advisory Board and is an Associate at the International Institute for Sustainability Analysis and Strategy(IINAS) in Germany.
From 2005-07 Suzanne directed the Worldwatch Institute’s bioenergy program, where she orchestrated the landmark research initiative and resulting book, Biofuels for Transportation: Global Potential and Implications for Energy and Agriculture. She also drove (with a film crew) a biofuel-powered 1981 Volkswagon across the U.S. and Central America in a charity road rally, visiting sustainable biofuel producers along the way. In 2011, she competed in a zero emission road rally in Norway in a hydrogen fuel cell vehicle.
A founding advisor to the annual Art Center Sustainable Mobility Summit and the Climate Lab, Suzanne holds a BS in Environmental Science from Penn State and master’s degrees in International Affairs and Natural Resource Management from American University and the UN’s University for Peace in Costa Rica. In her spare time she’s engaged with the implementation of sustainability practices at her family’s seventh generation upstate New York farm and winery, Hunt Country Vineyards, is also a singer/songwriter, and is a Co-Founder of The Unity Concert.