Marilyn and Ellyse Zosia
Marilyn Zosia survived a traumatic brain injury (TBI) in 2005 and was left with little sense of self and severe memory loss. Using fitness to serve as channeled therapy, she not only regained mental strength but was able to create new neural connections and in turn a healthier brain. Though she still battles with the long term cognitive effects of her TBI, she’s redesigned her life and become a CrossFit trainer, peak performance coach and life strategist.
Ellyse Amelia Zosia was born with life-threatening allergies and a metabolic condition that can turn a regular exercise session into a waltz with death. So of course she’s a personal trainer, chef, graphic designer and 3D animator, and has combined those talents to become a visionary in her field.
Together, Marilyn and Ellyse are the Co-Founders of I Am Adaptive™, a global movement and non-profit organization dedicated to working with and building a strong global community for adaptive individuals everywhere. People who, like themselves, for reasons both visible and invisible, choose to design the pursuit of physically active and mentally stimulating, optimal lives around the unique abilities they possess. I Am Adaptive™ is committed to vanishing the words ‘handicapped’ and ‘disabled’ from the world’s lexicon by showing us all how to unleash our greatness and harness our abilities to design and make adaptations for optimal living.