Marco Beghin
Marco Beghin is a focused business front-runner, inspiring individuals and his organization to envision and unlock their potential.
Originally from Italy, he started his career by immersing himself in international travel as a product and sales manager. In New York, a conversation about the digital community surrounding the Moleskine notebook resonated deeply with his creative ideals and appreciation for design. Drawn to the development opportunities and innovation of the brand, he made the move to Moleskine in 2005 and established the North American office in 2008. As President of Moleskine America, his expertise lies in general management for forward thinking companies in the design, lifestyle and consumer products industries.
In business and in life, Marco thrives when facing pivotal challenges. Among many creative and competitive endeavors, he is a serious student of the moving body as an avid marathon runner, a certified Ohashiatsu practitioner, and a student of Alexander Technique. Marco is a staunch advocate of activating the mind within the discipline of physical exertion. He is a running coach for New York Road Runners, a bicycling enthusiast and a lifelong explorer. Marco believes in mobile identity and active existence as a way to authentically connect with oneself and the world.